Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Highland Newsletter 9/2-9/7/24

                                           HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER

Trimester 1, 2024-25 School Year

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Dear Highland Parent, Student, and Ram Supporter,


These calendars are continually updated and provide all the important academic and athletic/activities dates for the school year. Please look at them regularly for questions about calendar items. 

We hope everyone had a fun and safe Labor Day weekend. Many probably attended the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot. At the fair students often purchase toys and weapons and bring them to school to show their friends. Please make sure students do not bring toys or weapons that they purchase at the fair to school. Tasers and knives of any size are not allowed at school. 
Soon they will start demolition of the remaining parts of the school that were impacted by the fire including the old wrestling room and welding shop. Students who are walking by the north parking lot, by the Tennis Courts to the bus stop, to Gateway building, or crossing the street to Seminary, please, be alert and careful. A dump truck full of debris cannot stop on a dime. If you see it coming, please let it pass before continuing along or crossing the street. Please stay safe. 

Our amazing school board of trustees and district administration have been hard at work along with a committee of administrators, teachers, Highland parents, and community members in planning and designing the rebuild of the parts of Highland High School that was burned down. The goal is that the new areas for rebuild will be opened for the 2027-28 school year. Please contact Principal Wallace with any questions or concerns.

Come support our Highland Lassies and get your car washed at the same time. See below...

For parents of graduates and graduates, class of 2025. We keep a live google doc that is updated each week with all the dates and information important for graduates to know. Please review it and use it a resource to find out anything important pertaining specifically to the Class of 2025. Reach out to Principal Wallace with any additional questions. 

Last chance. If you are interested in being a part of the Highland Parent Advisory Committee, please fill out the interest form below. The first meeting is coming up in the next couple of weeks. 
Each week we will pose some common challenges and questions we face with attendance and provide answers. 

This week we will examine the Truancy Procedures. 

Truancies are viewed per class period. A student could have several truancies in 1 class and 0 in another.

Students are allowed 5 unexcused absences in a trimester without a consequence. On a student's 6th unexcused absence they will receive a truancy. Additional truancies will be issued for continued unexcused absences.

Attendance reports are reviewed at least once a week at which time truancies, the assigned consequences, and notifications are distributed. 

If a student is going to be absent for extenuating circumstances, please contact school administration in order to minimize the impact on the students education and avoid truancy.  

Truancies and Assigned Consequences

Whether a student is found truant from a class or classes, has excessive absences leading to truancy, or has excessive tardies leading to truancy, the attendance issues will all be added together and result in the following consequences=

Truancy 1

Warning and notification given through email, and text from school administration of potential consequences for continued truancies.

Truancy 2

Warning and notification given through email, text and letter from school administration of potential consequences for continued truancies. Student conference with school administration requested, community service, or additional consequences may be assigned by school administration.

Truancy 3

Warning and notification given through email, text and letter from school administration of potential consequences for continued truancies. Student conference with school administration requested in order to make an appeal, community service, or additional consequences may be assigned by school administration.

Truancy 4

Notification given through email, text, and letter from school administration. 

  • Possible student suspension from school.

  • Students 15 or younger will be referred to the School Resource Officer for a citation for habitual truancy and may receive additional consequences.  

  • Students 16 and older will lose credit and will be unenrolled from the class or classes in which they have multiple truancies.

Truancy 4+

Notification given through email, text, and letter from school administration.

  • Possible student suspension from school.

  • Possible District Discipline Hearing. 

  • Possible Unenrollment. 

Appeal Process Due to Excessive Absences

If a parent/guardian and/or the student wish to appeal the consequences of a 4th truancy the following procedure applies:

  • The parent/guardian and/or the student has 5 school days from the date of the 3rd truancy to appeal the loss of credit and/or additional consequences due to excessive absences. They must contact and speak with a school administrator for an appeal. 

  • The criteria for an appeal to be considered includes:

    • The student has a passing grade in the class or classes in which they have excessive absences.

    • The student does not have any behavior requiring intervention from school administration since the 3rd truancy.

If the student requesting the appeal does not meet the criteria listed above, the student’s appeal will be denied and they will receive the consequences assigned to a 4th truancy. The parent/guardian and/or student can request an additional review from district administration if desired.

Make-Up Privileges

Regular daily attendance is expected for all high school students. Students will be expected to make up work missed as a result of absences, including school sponsored events. Time allowed for this is based on the number of days the student was absent plus one more school day. Teachers do have the discretion to extend the number of days allowed on a case by case basis. Make up work should be completed outside of instructional time. Students that are truant/suspended may only make up work at the discretion of the teacher and/or an administrator.



Students absent on the day of a final will receive a zero on the final. Requests to make up a final must be made within one school day. Requests will be granted at the discretion of the school administration. Taking a final at a different time than on finals days must be approved by school administration.  


Student Tardiness at the Secondary Level

Students who arrive late disrupt the learning environment of the classroom. Tardiness at the secondary level is a condition for which a student arrives less than 15 minutes after the start of class. Any student who is tardy beyond 15 minutes of class time may be reported as absent or truant. The Teacher and/or Attendance Clerk are responsible for monitoring and recording student tardiness. Beyond possible teacher consequences assigned for tardiness, every 5 tardies in a class period is considered a truancy and an absence.  

Each grade is assigned a Google Classroom where important information is provided along with forms for schedule changes and more. Here are the assigned google classroom codes:

Please check the Highland Athletics and Activities Calendar for the most up-to-date schedule of events.

Homecoming week is scheduled for September 16-September 21st with the Homecoming Football Game at Highland Stadium versus Thunder Ridge High School. 

Highland High School Administration (208)237-1300

-Dr. Brad Wallace-Principal (wallacbr@sd25.us) phone ext.103

-Travis Bell-Assistant Principal/Athletic and Activities Director (belltr@sd25.us) phone ext.105

-Ed.S. Jena Wilcox-Assistant Principal (wilcoxje@sd25.us) phone ext.104

-Dr. Steve Morton-Assistant Principal (mortonst@sd25.us) phone ext.107


-Shelley Huelsman (huelsms1@sd25.us) phone ext.106


-Elaine Whitehead (whitehel@sd25.us) phone ext.114

-Katie Schwartz (schwarka@sd25.us) phone ext.111


-Mindy Murphy (murphymi@sd25.us) phone ext.115

-Sloane Lewis (lewissl@sd25.us) phone ext.135

Counseling Center (208)237-1300

-Tami Romriell=students with last name A-D (romrieta@sd25.us) phone ext.131

-Christa Santos-Smith=students with last name E-K (santosch@sd25.us) phone ext.109

-Cali-Ann Hilliard=students with last name L-R (hilliaca@sd25.us) phone ext.110

-Tricia Harvala=students with last name S-Z (harvaltr@sd25.us) phone ext.116

-Sarah May Clarkson=College & Career Advisor (clarksa@sd25.us) phone ext.123

-Alice Rowe=College & Career Advisor (roweal@sd25.us) phone ext.236

School Psychologist

-Amy Holloway (hollowam@sd25.us)

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