Monday, August 19, 2024

Highland Newsletter 8/19-8/24/24

                                         HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER

2024-25 School Year

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Dear Highland Parent, Student, and Ram Supporter,


These calendars are continually updated and provide all the important academic and athletic/activities dates for the school year. Please look at them regularly for questions about calendar items. 

Highland Academic Calendar

Highland Sports/Activities Calendar

We are very excited for the school year! The first day of school is this Wednesday 8/21/24. We have a Freshman/New Student Orientation that will begin at the Highland Stadium at 6:30pm on Tuesday 8/20/24. This event will provide new students with the opportunity to go through their schedules and familiarize themselves with the school before the first day. 

Here provided is a Parent/Student Handbook with some of the general information and guidelines for Highland High School. If there is something not provided in the handbook that you feel should be, please contact Principal Wallace and he will get it added. This is our first handbook and will take a little time to fine tune. We appreciate constructive feedback.

Student Leaderships' theme for Highland this school year is "Stand Together, Win Together!" We believe that together we are strong enough to overcome any obstacles or adversity that we may face. 

Reminder that the best way to keep up on events is by following the Highland Academic Calendar and the Highland Sports/Activities Calendar. A link to these calendars is provided at the beginning of this newsletter. 

Being at school, in class, on time, every day is one of the most influential factors for student success. It makes sense that when students attend school they do better than when they don't. Please prioritize attendance this school year. 

Freshman/New Student Orientation is scheduled for the evening before the first day of school, Tuesday August 20th at 6:30pm. The event will begin at Highland Stadium and then parents and freshman/new students will be released to go walk through the school to familiarize themselves with where their classes are located and the general layout of the school. Highland spirit shirts will be on sale for $5. 

Starting at 7:30pm there will be a Highland Student Chalk Party out on the sidewalk heading towards the stadium where students will be decorating the sidewalk for the first day of school assembly. All students are invited to come and have some fun and participate. 


Highland Parking is undergoing some changes this school year and moving forward until construction of the back part of the building is complete. Some of the parking available has been fenced off as staging/work areas for construction companies who will be building back the parts of Highland that burned down. 

Changes include the following: 
  1. The School District was able to acquire the land directly in front of the school and has started work on developing it into a parking lot. Part of this development will be used as a student parking lot this school year. 
  2. The north parking lot previously used for teacher parking and parent drop-off and pick-up will no longer be available for parking, but a portion of it will still be available for parent drop-off and pick-up. The bus loading zone on the north side of the school will remain the same.
  3. With the loss of the teacher parking lot, a section of the south parking lot will be used by Highland staff as parking. These parking spots are clearly painted as staff parking with an identified number. Only those assigned staff members should park in these spots. 
  4. The Gateway parking area is assigned as staff parking. Students will not be allowed to park in the Gateway parking lot.
These changes provide more parking spots than students have had access to in the past. Those who park in any area not assigned to them will be ticketed and ultimately towed at their own expense. Handicap parking will still be available in front of the building and on the south side of the building.

These changes will create traffic patterns different from those that have existed in the past at Highland. We strongly request those driving at Highland to be patient, be aware, and be cautious of people and drivers who may be using the new student parking lot area in front of the school.  

The first day of school is Wednesday 8/21, students will report to Highland Stadium for the opening school assembly. Students who travel to PV-TEC or other schools for classes will not travel the first day of school. Band, Choir, and Orchestra will meet in the Highland Media Center. The schedule is provided below:

Assembly-Highland Stadium8:329:32
TA-Chromebook Checkout9:4010:00
1st Period10:0511:00
2nd Period11:0512:00
3rd Period12:471:42
4th Period1:472:42
5th Period2:473:42
Fall sports start competition this weekend. Volleyball is hosting the Peg Peterson Invite here at Highland, Varsity Football is headed to play Legacy High School in Las Vegas, and Girls and Boys Soccer are traveling to Boise to play some of the schools from the Treasure Valley. 

Homecoming week is scheduled for September 16-September 21st with the Homecoming Football Game at Highland Stadium versus Thunder Ridge High School. 
Our amazing school board of trustees and district administration have been hard at work along with a committee of administrators, teachers, Highland parents, and community members in planning and designing the rebuild of the parts of Highland High School that was burned down. The goal is that the new areas for rebuild will be opened for the 2027-28 school year. Please contact Principal Wallace with any questions or concerns.



Highland High School Administration (208)237-1300

-Dr. Brad Wallace-Principal ( phone ext.103

-Travis Bell-Assistant Principal/Athletic and Activities Director ( phone ext.105

-Ed.S. Jena Wilcox-Assistant Principal ( phone ext.104

-Dr. Steve Morton-Assistant Principal ( phone ext.107


-Shelley Huelsman ( phone ext.106


-Elaine Whitehead ( phone ext.114

-Katie Schwartz ( phone ext.111


-Mindy Murphy ( phone ext.115

-Sloane Lewis ( phone ext.135

Counseling Center (208)237-1300

-Tami Romriell=students with last name A-D ( phone ext.131

-Christa Santos-Smith=students with last name E-K ( phone ext.109

-Cali-Ann Hilliard=students with last name L-R ( phone ext.110

-Tricia Harvala=students with last name S-Z ( phone ext.116

-Sarah May Clarkson=College & Career Advisor ( phone ext.123

-Alice Rowe=College & Career Advisor ( phone ext.236

School Psychologist

-Amy Holloway (

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