Monday, January 8, 2024

Highland Newsletter 1/8-1/13/24

                                        HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER

Trimester 2, 2023-24 School Year

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Dear Highland Parent, Student, and Ram Supporter,


These calendars are continually updated and provide all the important academic and athletic/activities dates for the school year. Please look at them regularly for questions about calendar items. 

Highland Academic Calendar:

Highland Sports/Activities Calendar:


Reminder that there is no school on Monday, 1/15/24, to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We take this day to remember and celebrate the civil freedoms influenced through the hard work and sacrifices of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a great leader in our nation's history. 
Students are expected to be in each class, in their seat, on time, ready to learn, every day.  Attendance is the most essential piece in receiving an education and preparing students for future success in college and/or career. Not attending, or being late to class, results in missing valuable information and makes it extremely difficult for student learning to occur. 

Students are expected to attend at least 90% of the time. Students who miss 10% or more of class time will be subject to school attendance disciplinary procedures. 

Here are the attendance guidelines....

Please contact school administration for questions or concerns. 



Order your cap and gown early for a discount. You can order from the Herff Jones website at:

Important Dates/Information Class of 2024



TRIO ETS applicants and TRIO students who refer their friends can earn raffle tickets for prizes! Get Domino’s pizza, Costa Vida gift cards, movie tickets, and more! The raffle ends on February 15th so hurry and get those tickets! TRIO brings students on college tours, helps with academic tutoring, and helps them gain scholarships, all at no cost to students! Come down to the counseling center to pick up an application or to talk with your TRIO advisors. Join and become a TRIO Scholar, because TRIO works. Contact Nick Grunig with any questions at email



It is not too late to order a yearbook. Cost is currently $70. As soon as January hits the cost goes up to $75. February 2nd is the last date you can preorder a yearbook. After that it is first come first serve of the yearbooks that are extras.



OK, folks, buckle up – particularly seniors and families of seniors, the next few months

will bring all kinds of exciting news and notifications. We ask all parties to pay attention

to every channel of communication: email, blogs, texts, email again. Please, please be

attentive to your email. Write down all your usernames and passwords, make note of all

deadlines and requests for information. Here goes:

Idaho LAUNCH, First Contingency Offers – Deadline Soon

The state of Idaho has made its first found of contingent offers for the Idaho LAUNCH

program. The deadline to accept or decline an offer made this first round is Monday,

January 15 th . There are a number of steps to follow, so check your email, and then ask

the CCAs if you have any questions about accepting the offer, the CCAs can walk you

through it. These contingent offers are made with the understanding that each student

will complete the Career Pathway Plan components on Next Steps Idaho. The firm

deadline for completion of those components is 1 March 2024.

FAFSA Night # 1 – Tuesday, Jan. 9 th

The new / simplified FAFSA was released with a “soft launch” on December 31 st .

Though there are kinks being worked out and systems being tested, we want to go

ahead with our first FAFSA Night:

Tuesday, January 9th

6 to 8 pm

Media Center

Food and beverages will be provided

Please bring to FAFSA Night:

 Your established FSA ID. Can’t begin your FAFSA without an already established FSA

ID (3 to 5 days AHEAD of FAFSA Night). Visit the CCAs with your Social Security

number and we can help you get this done before January 9 th .

 School-issued Chromebook, fully charged. Parent / guardian can bring his or her own

laptop, but will need to use a mobile hotspot & personal data bandwidth. A student

Chromebook should suffice.

 Fully charged cell phone for student and parent / guardian.

 W-2s for 2022 tax year for parent / guardian and student (if applicable).

 Tax documents for 2022 (for parent / guardian and student, if applicable). Not entirely

sure we will need full tax documents because of the new FAFSA, but it may be helpful

to have them.

We have already been cautioned that there will be a higher volume of traffic on the webpages, that there may be pauses and inaccessibility, and that some

users will be directed to waiting rooms. We won’t learn how to troubleshoot and

problem-solve unless we dive in. That’s the plan for January 9 th . If you can’t join us next

week, we will certainly offer another FAFSA Night in February.

Establish Your FSA ID – FIRST !

Like it says above, a student or a parent / guardian cannot even begin the FAFSA

without establishing an FSA ID, multiple days ahead of time. If you have not yet

established your FSA ID, please stop by the CCA area (with your Social Security

number) and we will help you get this done. Best to stop by before this week is over on

Friday, January 5 th . Please please please do not delay in creating your FSA ID. If a

student has older siblings who have gone on to training programs or college, there is a

good chance the family parent / guardian already has an FSA ID.


If you sense some urgency from us regarding an FSA ID and the FAFSA, you’re right.

The state of Idaho offers a number of generous and prestigious scholarships – the

Governors Cup, the Governors Cup CTE, Idaho Opportunity Scholarship – but students

MUST submit their FAFSA by 1 March 2024 in order to fully qualify for such

scholarships. We do not want any student to miss out on state generosity because of

unfinished business. Please DO make note of, and adhere to, senior year and

scholarship deadlines.

Watch Your Email

Broken record message here. All students who are dual enrolled, taking CTE classes at

PV TEC, are seniors applying to training programs and college: please pay attention to

your email.

Dual Credit: Registered? Requested Funds?

Any student – sophomore, junior, or senior – enrolled in dual credit at any point this year

has a solemn personal responsibility to ensure that they are registered for the class

(please check on the school’s registrar webpages or on And then

check on Advanced Opportunities to be sure that you have requested funds.

We can appreciate that there was a lot going on between Thanksgiving and the

holidays, but students still need to pay attention to the things that directly relate to them.

First Years, Sophomores -- Military Service Academies

First-year / freshmen and sophomore students, if you have been thinking about, or have

questions about, any of the United States military academies – West Point, the Naval

Academy, the Air Force Academy, the Merchant Marine Academy, or the Coast Guard

Academy – after high school, the time to prepare for those applications is NOW. Please

visit the college career advisors to ask questions and talk about your interests.

Phew! That will do it for the first week of 2024 . . . which feels strange to say / type. We

have a good feeling about this new year and wish you every good thing that 2024 holds.

Your friendly neighborhood CCAs,

Alice Rowe

Sarah May Clarkson


Highland High School Administration (208)237-1300

-Dr. Brad Wallace-Principal ( phone ext.103

-Travis Bell-Assistant Principal/Athletic and Activities Director ( phone ext.105

-Ed.S. Jena Wilcox-Assistant Principal ( phone ext.104

-Dr. Steve Morton-Assistant Principal ( phone ext.107


-Shelley Huelsman ( phone ext.106


-Elaine Whitehead ( phone ext.114

-Katie Schwartz ( phone ext.111


-Mindy Murphy ( phone ext.115

Counseling Center (208)237-1300

-Tami Romriell=students with last name A-D ( phone ext.131

-Christa Santos-Smith=students with last name E-K ( phone ext.109

-Cali Baker(Department Chair)=students with last name L-R ( phone ext.110

-Tricia Harvala=students with last name S-Z ( phone ext.116

-Sarah May Clarkson=College & Career Advisor ( phone ext.123

-Alice Rowe=College & Career Advisor ( phone ext.236

School Psychologist

-Amy Holloway

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