Monday, January 29, 2024

Highland Newsletter 1/29-2/3/24

                                     HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER

Trimester 2, 2023-24 School Year

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Dear Highland Parent, Student, and Ram Supporter,


These calendars are continually updated and provide all the important academic and athletic/activities dates for the school year. Please look at them regularly for questions about calendar items. 

Highland Academic Calendar:

Highland Sports/Activities Calendar:


Highland Registrar Mrs. Elaine Whitehead was recognized as the Idaho Lottery's School Hero today. Mrs. Whitehead works tirelessly to help administration, staff, and students. She is the backbone of everything that happens at Highland. Without her we would be lost. We love Mrs. Whitehead and we could never full express how much we appreciate her. She not only performs her job with above and beyond dedication, she touches countless lives in the process. Congratulations Mrs. Whitehead, you truly are a school hero, this award is well deserved. 

                              Mrs. Whitehead is pictured above with her parents and her aunt. 
Reminder students do not have school this Friday, 2/2/24. Incoming Freshman will be participating in academic planning, teachers will be participating in professional development and using some time to contact parents about students. 



Incoming Freshman will be participating in academic planning on Thursday 2/1 and Friday 2/2. On Monday 2/5/24, our current freshman, sophomores, and juniors will attend their homeroom during 1st period to participate in academic planning. They will not attend their usual 1st period class. Current Seniors will have the option of working with the College and Career Advisors during 1st period on Monday 2/5/24. They can work on scholarship applications, FAFSA, etc. Starting 2nd period, the rest of that school day will follow the normal schedule.



American Legion Gem Boys State application is open for junior boys. Boys State is a fast paced, hands-on experience that teaches Americanism and the political process. It is divided into mythical cities, counties and political parties and populated by the Boys State delegates. Boys participate in a mock  government by participating in city responsibilities, running for political offices, and debating and passing legislation. Two boys from Idaho will be selected to participate as "senators" at Boys Nation in Washington D.C. Boys State will be held in Boise, Idaho from June 2-7, 2024 and there is a $100 fee for travel/room/board. Please see Mrs. Santos-Smith in the Counseling Center for an application. 

Deadline to apply is March 15th.



Dear Highland Students & Families,

The days are getting longer. Can you see it, feel it? More daylight, more Vitamin D

energizes students and families to read below and take action.

Seniors: Monday, February 5th , Get Stuff Done Morning !

On Monday, February 5th , junior, sophomore, and first-year students will be doing

academic planning during 1 st hour / TA (8:32 to 9:55 am). We are offering a bonanza of

options for senior students to tick things off their to-do list. During that morning session,

we will offer the following:

 FAFSA, scholarship help with the CCAs – great chance to really focus on these

important tasks.

 Idaho LAUNCH’s Cassie Mansour will be here to explain the program, help

students start or finish their LAUNCH applications, describe the need for well-

trained workers pursuing in-demand jobs.

 Bengal Bridge at ISU – A representative will be here to talk about Bengal

Bridge, a summer session offered to new high school graduates at a fabulous per

credit rate. It is a really good program.

 Military representatives will also be here to discuss the many, and attractive,

options available to students through the armed services.

Seniors can get a whole lot of stuff done the morning of February 5 th , and I hope

you all will take advantage of this time to meet and talk with good people who are here

to assist and guide students about to head out into the world.

FSA ID – Please Get This Done !

We are going to sound like broken records, but any senior who plans to attend college

or training in the next couple of years, will need to create an FSA ID, which you have to

have in order to complete and submit a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student

Aid). The FAFSA is an evaluation of a family’s ability to contribute to the cost of a

college education; it is not a scholarship. The state of Idaho has a robust and generous

scholarship program, but it requires submission of the FAFSA. If for no other reason

(than a bundle of state money), we want to strongly strongly strongly encourage every

student and every family to create FSA IDs. Thank you.

FAFSA Night # 2 – Thursday, February 8 th

The first FAFSA Night (in January) was snowy and blustery. Even so, we had a good

number of families brave the weather and dive into the new FAFSA. The state of Idaho

scholarships (Idaho Opportunity, Governors Cup) have firm deadlines of March 1 st by

which the scholarship application AND the FAFSA have to be submitted. So don’t miss

this opportunity to have help, support, and pizza as you endeavor to get FAFSA done.

We will have experts and expertise aplenty: Highland CCAs, financial aid experts from

ISU, TRiO representatives, and other ISU staff who have been good enough to

volunteer their time to Highland and its students – no matter where you plan to attend.

We will have guest wifi available that night, so we hope students will bring their school

Chromebooks and family members will bring personal laptops. Here are items we want

to remind every family group to bring:

 Your established FSA ID. Can’t begin your FAFSA without an already established FSA

ID (3 to 5 days AHEAD of FAFSA Night). Visit the CCAs with your Social Security

number and we can help you get this done before February 8 th .

 School-issued Chromebook, fully charged. Parent / guardian are encouraged to bring

his or her own laptop; guest wifi will be available that night.

 Fully charged cell phone for student and parent / guardian.

 W-2s for 2022 tax year for parent / guardian and student (if applicable).

 Tax documents for 2022 (for parent / guardian and student, if applicable). Not entirely

sure we will need full tax documents because of the new FAFSA, but it may be helpful

to have them.

We will gather in the Media Center, from 6 to 8 pm, on Thursday, February 8 th .

Please DO join us.

The new FAFSA is shorter and less tedious, but it is still new and can be glitchy. Rather

than find yourself frustrated at home, please plan to attend (student and parent /

guardian) on February 8 th , and we’ll be there as your safety net, support system, trouble-


Scholarship Season . . . Is Now !

Seniors, please use January, February, March, and early April to apply to any and all


If you have applied to any of the Idaho State Scholarships (Idaho Opportunity,

Governors Cup) – just like we said above, you will have to have all the scholarship

application components AND your FAFSA submitted by March 1st to be considered.

Don’t miss out on these good dollars because you didn’t get your FAFSA in.

See the CCAs about the process and suggestions. You may need a recommendation

letter or two, you may need a short essay, and you might want to have a resume handy.

Let the CCAs be helpful.

Lewis Clark State College Rep Here – Tuesday, January 30th

Our admissions rep for Lewis Clark State College, Dylon Harrison, will be here next

week, Tuesday, January 30 th . This will be the time for interested students to get more

information about LCSC’s many programs, athletic teams, extra-curriculars, and more.

Lewis Clark has the lowest tuition of all the state colleges and universities, it gets you

out of town, the size is just right (~4,000 undergraduates), and you’d get to experience a

whole ‘nother part of the state.

OK, take that infusion of Vitamin D, mark your calendars, and accomplish things.

Your friendly neighborhood CCAs,

Alice Rowe

Sarah May Clarkson



Tickets for the Highland Cheer sponsored annual Snoball Dance are on sale in the Bursar’s Office. The dance is Saturday, February 10th at Highland. $15 a person and $25 a couple. The theme is Barbie. 



For those interested in participating in a raffle that is a fundraiser for Highland Wrestling and provides a chance to win a custom Hux & Gandy Blacksmithing Hunting Hardware/Cutlery Package please contact head coach Kelly Moysh. There are 2 packages valued at over $200 and 3 packages valued at over $700. Tickets are $20 a piece and 6 tickets for $100. The drawing will take place at Senior Night on February 8th at Highland High School. 





Order your cap and gown from the Herff Jones website at:

Important Dates/Information Class of 2024


Highland High School Administration (208)237-1300

-Dr. Brad Wallace-Principal ( phone ext.103

-Travis Bell-Assistant Principal/Athletic and Activities Director ( phone ext.105

-Ed.S. Jena Wilcox-Assistant Principal ( phone ext.104

-Dr. Steve Morton-Assistant Principal ( phone ext.107


-Shelley Huelsman ( phone ext.106


-Elaine Whitehead ( phone ext.114

-Katie Schwartz ( phone ext.111


-Mindy Murphy ( phone ext.115

Counseling Center (208)237-1300

-Tami Romriell=students with last name A-D ( phone ext.131

-Christa Santos-Smith=students with last name E-K ( phone ext.109

-Cali-Ann Hilliard=students with last name L-R ( phone ext.110

-Tricia Harvala=students with last name S-Z ( phone ext.116

-Sarah May Clarkson=College & Career Advisor ( phone ext.123

-Alice Rowe=College & Career Advisor ( phone ext.236

School Psychologist

-Amy Holloway (

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